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LLP Registration Services

Overview of Limited Liability Partnership Registration Services

At SRV Associates, our expertise lies in simplifying and expediting the LLP Registration services, meticulously guiding clients from the initial stages to establishing their Limited Liability Partnerships. Our holistic suite of services is designed to encompass every critical facet essential for initiating and formalizing an LLP.

We pride ourselves on offering comprehensive support, handling intricate procedures, document preparation, and adherence to legal requirements with precision. By leveraging our specialized knowledge and experience, we aim to make the LLP registration process seamless, ensuring that our clients navigate it confidently and clearly. We prioritize efficiency and accuracy at every step, striving to eliminate complexities and minimize the challenges associated with establishing an LLP. With SRV Associates, clients can expect a dedicated partnership committed to transforming intricate legal procedures into a streamlined and hassle-free experience, laying a solid foundation for their business endeavours.

What is a Limited Liability Partnership?

A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) stands as a unique legal framework amalgamating the benefits inherent in traditional partnerships with the crucial shield of limited liability for its partners. This structure not only fosters a flexible approach to management but crucially acts as a protective barrier for personal assets, separating them from business liabilities. With an LLP, partners enjoy the advantage of collective decision-making while restricting their individual weaknesses and mitigating risks associated with the business’s obligations. This setup empowers partners to engage in business activities without compromising their financial security, striking a balance between operational flexibility and safeguarding personal assets within the business’s legal entity.

Prerequisites for Incorporating an LLP

Before initiating the LLP registration process, specific prerequisites demand careful consideration. The initial crucial steps are acquiring Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) and securing Director Identification Numbers (DINs) for the partners. The process also involves meticulously selecting a distinctive and appropriate business name that aligns with legal regulations and drafting a comprehensive LLP agreement that outlines the terms among partners and the business’s operational framework.

These prerequisites serve as foundational pillars, necessitating attention, and adherence to ensure a smooth and compliant journey toward establishing a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP). Attending to these requisites diligently is pivotal, laying the groundwork for a successful and legally sound LLP registration process.

Benefits of LLP Registration
  • Tax advantages- In an LLP, the tax rate is lower than in other business structures, and it is also excluded from a number of taxes, including the minimum alternative tax and the tax on dividend distributions.

  • No minimum capital contribution is necessary- There is no required minimum capital to incorporate an LLP. Before incorporating, there is no requirement that you have a minimum amount of paid-up capital. Any amount of capital that the partners give can be used to form it.

  • Distinct legal entity- Like corporations, LLPs are separate legal entities. Separate from its partners is the LLP. An LLP has the legal right to bring and defend claims in its own name. The contracts are executed in the name of the LLP, which contributes to building trust with key constituencies and inspires confidence in the company among clients and suppliers.

  • Limited partners’ liabilities- The LLP’s partners are only partially liable. The partners’ liability is restricted to the contributions that they made. As a result, they are solely responsible for paying the contributions they made and are not held personally accountable for any corporate losses. When an LLP is winding up, only the assets of the LLP are responsible for paying out its debts if it becomes insolvent. The partners are free to conduct themselves like respectable businessmen because they are not personally liable.

  • Low price and minimal compliance- Compared to the expense of incorporating a public or private limited business, the cost of forming an LLP is cheap. The level of compliance required of the LLP is also modest. The LLP only needs to submit the Annual Return and a Statement of Accounts and Solvency twice a year.

LLP Penalty Drawbacks for Non-Compliance
  • Less credible- When compared to other corporate structures, LLPs are seen negatively by the public. Despite the fact that an LLP has many advantages, some people still prefer other company structures over LLPs.

  • LLP winding up and dissolved- An LLP must have a minimum of two partners. The LLP will be dissolved if the required two partners are not present for a continuous period of six months. If the LLP is unable to pay its debts, it could be dissolved.

  • The amount of compliance- That LLP must adhere to is small. However, the LLP will face significant fines if these compliances are not finished on time. The LLP must submit annual returns to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) even if there is no activity throughout the year. The LLP will be subject to a severe fine if it fails to file the returns.

  • Difficulty in raising money- The LLP does not have shareholders or the idea of equity like a company. Venture capitalists and angel investors are not permitted to become shareholders in the LLP. This is due to the requirement that the shareholders join the LLP as partners and assume all partner duties. Thus, it is challenging for LLPs to raise cash because angel investors and venture capitalists prefer to invest in companies rather than LLPs.

Duration of LLP Registration

The formation of an LLP takes about 10 days, subject to departmental permission and departmental return, from receiving a DSC to filing Form 3. Our LLP registration services enable fast inversion with a simple and easy process. Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, SRV Associates is a reliable and experienced GST registration consultant in Noida with efficient and effective services with the latest GST laws and regulations.

Documents Required For LLP Registration
  • AN Card/ ID Proof of the Partners

  • Address Proof of the partners

  • Proof of Registered Office Address

  • Residence Proof of Partners

  • Photograph

  • Digital Signature Certificate

  • Designated Partner Identification Number

  • Passport (in case of Foreign Nationals/ NRIs)

How to Register an LLP

Step 1: Apply for DSC and get a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)

Step 2: Request a DPIN (Designated Partner Identification Number, Form 7 is required)

Step 3: Submit an application for name approval and availability (needs Form 1/ RUN-LLP).

Step 4: Form 2/FiLLiP is required for LLP incorporation.

Step 5: Submit LLP Agreement Form (requires Form 3)LLP Agreement: It is, as the name implies, a written agreement between the LLP and its chosen partners or between the LLP and its partners. The LLP Agreement establishes the selected partners’ obligations to one another and to the LLP.

LLP Incorporation and DIN Application

Our services encompass the entire LLP incorporation process, from obtaining DINs for partners to preparing the LLP agreement and filing necessary documents with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). We facilitate a smooth and efficient application process for your LLP.

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